
Photo By Asami Hoshino


2007年、5人組バンドTHE KIDDIEを結成。2010年7月、元JUDY AND MARYの恩田快人氏をプロデューサーに迎え、「smile.」でキングレコードよりメジャーデビューを果たす。その後、avex traxに移籍し、2014年2月には移籍後初となるシングル「emit.」を発表。通算15枚のシングル、6枚のアルバム、2枚のDVDをリリースした。
全国ツアーを毎年のように開催し、赤坂Blitz、渋谷公会堂、Zepp Tokyoなどでのワンマンライブを成功させる。2015年3月31日ユメヲハコブネツアー以ってTHE KIDDIE解散。


Miyajima Jun is a guitarist and a composer.

In 2007 he formed THE KIDDIE with other four members, and made their debut from King Record in July 2010 with their single “smile.” under the produce of Kaito Onda of ex.Judy and Mary. In Feburary 2014, for the first time after moving to avex trax, they releaed the single “emit.”. In total, they relased 15 singles, 6 albums, and 2 DVDs. As well as studio works, they held several live tours every year, including large halls such as Akasaka Blitz, Shibuya Kokaido, Zepp Tokyo. They disbanded in March 31 2015, after their final tour “YUMEWOHAKOBUNE”.

After disband, Miyajima Jun is working as an independent musician. His current work is not limited to the stage performance as guitarist but also covers composition and sound production for musicals and other theater plays.

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